Redirection Containers:


This repository contains a Python script and Docker file designed to serve as a versatile redirection tool for Red Team operations. The tool enables Red Team operators to dynamically control and manipulate network traffic, providing adaptability, scalability, and evasion capabilities.

This script creates a basic Flask web application that serves a fake HTML page at the root route /. It has additional routes for /healthz and /callback. The /healthz route returns a simple "Healthy" response for healthchecks. The main logic is in the /callback route. It checks the request User-Agent header and if it exactly matches a specific Chrome browser string, it redirects the request to For any other user agents, it just returns the root page. The script is configured to run on port 443 instead of the default Flask port 5000. It also has a Dockerfile to containerize it, exposing port 443 and adding a healthcheck using the /healthz endpoint.

from flask import Flask, request, redirect
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return '''
        <title>Redirection Website</title>
        <h1>Welcome to my redirector website!</h1>

def healthcheck():
    return "Healthy"

def callback():
    user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent')
    if user_agent == 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36':
        return redirect('')

if __name__ == '__main__':


FROM python:3.12-slim

WORKDIR /redirector_app

# Copy the current directory contents
ADD . /redirector_app

# Install flask
RUN pip install flask

# Make TCP 443 available

# Ensure container is healthy
HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=3s \
  CMD curl -f http://localhost/healthz || exit 1

# Run when the container launches
CMD ["python3", ""]

Last updated